Our first machine was originally an extendable arm that rotated in the slot of the actual arena through the use of the fixed motor. However since we were only allowed to use a total of four motors, we couldn’t actually make our arm extend because our other machine used three motors and we needed to use the fixed motor. We chose to use the Delrin for our arm because it was lightweight and would be easier for the fixed motor rotate it.
Our second machine was a hopper that dropped down into the slot to pick up the heavy squash ball. Once it picked up the ball, it could come back up because the hopper had a rack and pinion setup. Once the ball was picked up out of the slot, we could drive the machine to the opponent’s side of the arena using the double gearbox setup. The double gearbox allowed for our machine to drive around another machine if that machine blocked the center of the arena. We built the hopper out of wood blocks and the hollowed out quarter inch aluminum stock. We also placed a rubber band at the bottom of it to hold the aluminum stock in place and also hold the squash ball in place once it was picked up.
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