Thursday, October 29, 2009

Juggernauts Team Strategy

Our team strategy is to use two separate vehicles. The first vehicle will have an arm which rotates down into the slot and then extends to reach the slots bottom. After the arm is full extended it will rotate and push all of the ping pong balls from one side of the arena to the other. At this point we will keep the location of the arm stationary and it will now act as defense to block our slot. Our other vehicle will drive in behind the first vehicle and use a "tennis ball hopper" design lower a cage down into the slot which will trap the heavier balls in the cage. From there the cage will be raised out of the slot and the vehicle will drive to the opposing teams side.

1 comment:

  1. We have changed our team strategy for the first vehicle. We found that by trying to make both machines driven and move-able we will need more motors than allowed. Also we if we somehow did make it work we would need another control system then the supplied remote to control all of the vehicles. So we changed the first machine to just the arm mounted in the slot powered by the mounted motor
